Monday, June 29, 2020

Full Battery & Theft Alarm APK

Full Battery & Theft Alarm APK

Protect your phone and Android Wear Smartwatch battery fromovercharging with THEFT alarm. This app notifies you when yourbattery is fully charged. You can also select battery level andmany customization. ------------ NOTICE: If you use any task killerapp, please add this app to ignore list or white list. Otherwise,application will not work properly. NOTICE FOR 
ONEPLUS ABOVE 7.0USERS: Please go to battery optimizations settings on androidsettings 

and uncheck battery optimization for this app to use autostart features. NOTICE FOR 
XIAOMI USERS: In the security settingsgiven by Xiaomi default, please include the app for auto start andalso include permissions to use auto start features. ------------This application supports Android Wear Smartwatches!! Anti theftalarm!!! Don't worry about having to leave your phone chargingunattended! Full Battery & Theft Alarm will sound an alarm whenyour phone is unplugged or battery fully charge. Useful for when aplug isn't near somewhere to sit so that you can leave your phoneand know it will be safe. Charger alarm!!! Alerts you with audioand vibration when your phone is fully charged. Great for when youwant a quick charge without checking your phone every minute. Alsogreat if you don't like leaving your phone plugged in after it'scharged. Features: - BATTERY PERCENTAGE