Sunday, June 14, 2020

TeamViewer for Remote Control

TeamViewer for Remote Control

Use this app to remotely control other devices Want to remote intothis device? > Download the QuickSupport app Remote into anothercomputer, smartphone or tablet, while you are on the road!TeamViewer provides easy, fast and secure remote access and isalready used on more than 1 billion devices worldwide. Use cases: -Control computers (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) remotely as if you weresitting right in front of them -- Provide spontaneous support oradminister unattended 
computers (e.g. servers) - Remotely controlother mobile devices (Android, Windows 10 Mobile) Key Features: -Screen sharing and complete remote control of other devices -Intuitive touch and control gestures - File transfer in bothdirections - Computers & Contacts management - Chat - Sound andHD video transmission in real-time - Highest security standards:256 Bit AES Session Encoding, 2048 Bit RSA Key Exchange - Plus somuch more … Quick guide: 1. Install this app 2. On the device youwant to connect to, download TeamViewer QuickSupport 3. Enter theID from the QuickSupport app into the ID field and connect