reading,listening and writing skills from now! KEY FEATURES► TheLargest Language Exchange Community Search for any language partnerwhose learning needs match yours. ► Perfect Your PronunciationPractice the language you’re learning with native speakers via textand voice messages, as well as audio and video calls for free. ►Improve Your Grammar Skills Learn grammar through translation,transliteration, AI grammar correction, text to voice, and voicerecognition. ► Most Helpful Conversation Exchange Use Moments
toshare and ask questions about language, culture, or travel to allnative speakers. Here you can even post audio messages and getfeedback on your pronunciation from native speakers. ►
What’s MoreHelloTalk also has a wealth of word study games, foreign languagepodcasts, and one-on-one sessions with foreign teachers tostrengthen your speaking skills! Learning with HelloTalk is basedon communication, not curriculum. You don’t have homework! Instead,just chat and have fun while learning a new language. *****IMMERSEYOURSELF IN ANOTHER CULTURE***** When you learn a language withreal people, you’ll learn more than just the language. You'll beexposed to a different culture and a new way of seeing the world.In HelloTalk, you can connect with real people who might be your“pen pals” that can help you with your Japanese grammar or accent,explain Chinese culture to you, be your travel buddy in France, andmore. It helps you overcome language barriers, see culturaldiversity, and prepare for culture shock before you travel, study,or work in a foreign country. With millions of users in the app,it’ll be easy for you to find partners to chat with, in anylanguage! Don’t miss these interesting courses:
What’s MoreHelloTalk also has a wealth of word study games, foreign languagepodcasts, and one-on-one sessions with foreign teachers tostrengthen your speaking skills! Learning with HelloTalk is basedon communication, not curriculum. You don’t have homework! Instead,just chat and have fun while learning a new language. *****IMMERSEYOURSELF IN ANOTHER CULTURE***** When you learn a language withreal people, you’ll learn more than just the language. You'll beexposed to a different culture and a new way of seeing the world.In HelloTalk, you can connect with real people who might be your“pen pals” that can help you with your Japanese grammar or accent,explain Chinese culture to you, be your travel buddy in France, andmore. It helps you overcome language barriers, see culturaldiversity, and prepare for culture shock before you travel, study,or work in a foreign country. With millions of users in the app,it’ll be easy for you to find partners to chat with, in anylanguage! Don’t miss these interesting courses: